Impulsive buying behaviour of consumers for online purchases in the city of Astana, Kazakhstan




consumer behaviour, impulsive buying, online shopping


This article explores the phenomenon of consumers' impulsive buying behavior for online purchases and its influencing factors in an online context by analyzing previous research in this field. Impulsive purchases have increased in frequency in digital contexts due to the development of e-commerce and the COVID-19 pandemic. The study offers a framework for understanding impulsive purchasing behavior that considers its definition and the categories and variables influencing it. For the study's survey on impulsive purchases made online, 132 respondents in Kazakhstan participated. The study concentrated on internet shoppers between the ages of 18 and 37 who made irrational purchases. The study examined impulsivity, psychological perceptions, and social influence as factors impacting impulsive purchase behavior. External stimuli, such as marketing campaigns and the retail environment, were also considered. The results revealed insight into the survey respondents' demographic information, such as their gender, age, frequency of internet shopping, the kinds of things they bought, and whether they made planned or spontaneous purchases. Both marketers and consumers may improve their awareness of impulsive buying inclinations and inadvertent acquisition by being aware of the elements driving impulsive purchases in online environments. This will lead to better decision-making during online shopping experiences.

Author Biographies

Saule Yolcu, Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan

Saule Yolcu is an Assistant Professor in the marketing education program at the School of Management at Almaty Management University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. She is a teacher-practitioner, as she has 7 years of practical experience as a marketer and senior accountant at Ramstore Kazakhstan. She has been working in education for about 16 years, of which she devoted 6 years to administrative activities at the University as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Accounting at the University of International Business. She has scientific publications in the following areas - marketing, marketing management, strategic marketing, branding, and SMM marketing.

Daniel Meyer, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Prof Daniel Meyer is a research professor in the College of Business and Economics at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), South Africa. Daniel specializes in regional and local economic development analysis and policy development. He has developed various measurement tools, indexes, and scales to analyze regional economies. He has authored over 150 internationally peer-reviewed research papers since 2015 and has also presented over 60 international conference papers, including many keynote addresses. His research is multi-disciplinary through the combination of development economics, business and governance.


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How to Cite

Yolcu, S., & Meyer, D. (2023). Impulsive buying behaviour of consumers for online purchases in the city of Astana, Kazakhstan . Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 10(7), 956–965.